The White Triangles Apartment / YCL studio

The White Triangles Apartment / YCL studio - Interior Photography, Kitchen, Windows, Table, ChairThe White Triangles Apartment / YCL studio - Image 4 of 18The White Triangles Apartment / YCL studio - Interior Photography, BedroomThe White Triangles Apartment / YCL studio - Image 5 of 18The White Triangles Apartment / YCL studio - More Images+ 13

  • Architects: YCL studio
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  60
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2019
  • Photographs
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  AutoDesk, Adobe, Delta Light, Innovation Living, Vituko durys
  • Lead Architects: YCL studio
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The White Triangles Apartment / YCL studio - Interior Photography, Windows
© Andrius Stepankevičius
The White Triangles Apartment / YCL studio - Image 12 of 18
© Andrius Stepankevičius

Text description provided by the architects. White triangles apartment in Vilnius, Lithuania. Almost pure minimalist 60 square meters apartment, where the light and sterile look fulfils interior with sculpture like details.

The White Triangles Apartment / YCL studio - Interior Photography, Kitchen, Windows, Table, Chair
© Andrius Stepankevičius

Most important detail is painted white triangles on the concrete ceiling. The purpose of this paint is to use white color as reflective surface for the wall lights, since the darker color of the concrete absorbs too much valuable light in the night time. The position of wall lights and painted surfaces had to correspond together that the same color would always passed through open ceiling high doors without doorpost.

The White Triangles Apartment / YCL studio - Image 15 of 18
The White Triangles Apartment / YCL studio - Image 18 of 18

To keep the bright and minimal apartment feeling we chose painted wood floor from tree colors: white, grey and darker grey. The most used space from entrance to common space is a mixture of those three colors, for practical purpose. Side rooms and bathroom fades into pure white color. There was a wish to avoid plinth, instead we used an L shape aluminum profile along the perimeter of the walls in the apartment. We kept technical need for wooden floor and at the same time kept a clean view of the walls that touches the floor. Simple, but effective solution.

The White Triangles Apartment / YCL studio - Interior Photography, Shelving, Windows
© Andrius Stepankevičius

For the walls we wanted to have a little all the day long changing effect to keep the pure white color more sculptural. Structural plaster walls had a very practical and at the same time esthetical surface in the common composition of the interior. Each time of the day and the position of the sun and light offers very different surfaces affected by light and shadows. We could say that the walls became even soft and very nice to touch and stroke.

The White Triangles Apartment / YCL studio - Interior Photography, Bedroom, Bed
© Andrius Stepankevičius

All in all it is a very minimalistic apartment with small details that have a purpose and esthetical reasonableness to make white triangles apartment interior as a single united, indivisible work of our studio.

The White Triangles Apartment / YCL studio - Image 7 of 18
© Andrius Stepankevičius

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Project location

Address:Nemenčinės pl. 4c, Vilnius 10109, Lithuania

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Location to be used only as a reference. It could indicate city/country but not exact address.
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Cite: "The White Triangles Apartment / YCL studio" 29 Jun 2019. ArchDaily. Accessed . <> ISSN 0719-8884

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